Developmental Profile Essay

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Developmental Profile PSY 500 March 4, 2013 Dr. Munoz-Flores Developmental Profile According to Wikipedia, the definition of developmental profile is a “standardized, psychodynamic diagnostic instrument used for assessing clinically relevant personality characteristics.” ( Although this paper is not a ‘Developmental Profile’ per say; this paper will touch some of the developmental profile stages in children from an early childhood to middle childhood such as changes both physical and mental and major milestones both emotional and social. Physical Changes Physical change is a change that will continuously happen from early childhood to middle childhood and even thereafter into adulthood. From birth up to age two there is a dramatic change in one’s weight which increases up to four times from birth and one’s height by a third of how tall they were when they were first born. Often one hears ‘they are growing so fast,’ in reference to the child but actually this is not the case as there growing rate loses its face pace as the child gets older Between the ages of two and three the child gains less than five pounds and grows only about 3 inches. Ages 4 to 6 the child gains an average of about six pounds growing about two inches. It is obvious that as the child grows fast the food intake will be more and as the growth rate slows the food intake is less; either way they calorie intake is less regardless of the amount of food that is consumed. As a child grows older their rate of growth will go down while ingesting fewer calories

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