Developing Territories Essay

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1. MIG uses the states as the geographical lead building block. What are the favours of using states? Disadvantages? A basic advantage for MIG using states as a geographic control unit is that they are easily identifiable. Now looking beyond this simple, obvious aspect, MIGs approach at using states as their geographic control unit has more than returns. Since MIGs sales quarter focuses its efforts on selling their insurance policies to manufacturing facilities, theyre never presented with the homecoming of their customers leaving the geographic domain. Another added benefit is that MIGs sales manager apprise easily approach data about their target customers within the control unit which allows them to focus their efforts on those specific manufacturing facilities. Information like the issuance of manufacturing facilities and the number of employees at each facility as swell up as facility locations, their positioning within the geographic area and concentration is readily available in public databases to acquire. This typeface of data allows sales managers to determine if multiple territories are required within the control unit or if it can be supported by a single salesperson. A study disadvantage to MIG in using this method is that there can be much fluctuation within such whacking control units. In MIGs case the 5 states that they are planning on expanding to have noticeable variance in the number of manufacturing facility employees. The significance of these fluctuations impacts the balance of the territories, making virtually more lucrative than others which will generally lead to objurgation and complaints to management from the disadvantaged salespersons. Furthermore the disadvantage extends in that the control units with the higher number of employees will require much more effort to turn potential customers into customers and to adequately support them
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