Designing Exercise Programmes Inclusive of Health & Safety

1893 Words8 Pages
Exercise safety advice: You can obtain information and advice about exercise safety from your doctor, a sports medicine doctor, physiotherapist or an exercise physiologist – or see a sporting association about correct sporting technique and equipment. Some guidelines for general exercise safety include: When deciding if any exercise is safe, you need to consider the technique used and the load, as well as your individual condition, such as injury history and fitness level. Be guided by a qualified fitness instructor. If you have a pre-existing injury or medical condition, consult a sports medicine doctor, exercise physiologist or physiotherapist. There are many changes during pregnancy such as changes in body shape and size that pose potential risk of increased injury. It is essential that all women discuss their exercise plans with their doctor, as each pregnancy is different. Increasing the speed of any exercise can increase the risk of injury. Avoid or modify any exercise that causes you pain or discomfort. Don’t ignore your body’s signals of fatigue, discomfort and pain. Cross-train with other sports and exercises to reduce the risk of overtraining. Make sure you have at least one recovery day, and preferably two, every week. Injuries need rest – trying to ‘work through’ the pain will cause more damage to soft muscle tissue and delay healing. Stop exercising immediately Stop exercising and seek medical help if you experience symptoms such as: Discomfort or pain Chest pain or other pain that could indicate a heart attack, including pain in the neck and jaw, pain travelling down the arm or pain between the shoulder blades Extreme breathlessness A very rapid or irregular heartbeat during exercise. Exercises that could be harmful Some exercises that involve fast or repetitive twisting, or long-lasting or held movements are best avoided because they

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