Describe the Role and Function of the Technical Service Department Within the Library.

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The technical service department of a library can be described as the backbone or engine room of the institution. It is the department responsible for all processes involved in getting resources of all formats to the clients. These techniques include selection, acquisition, cataloguing and classification, end processing, reader services and collection maintenance. The size of the library and its technical service department are among other variables that impact the techniques utilized in making library materials user ready. Serials management, government documents and gifts and exchange are all subunits that may be included in the technical service department of larger libraries. These procedures encompass the functions of the technical service department as it relates to libraries. Functions of the department are usually performed in a sequential order. It begins with the selection of materials to be obtained by the library. Selection commence with the process of collection development. That is a form of material management which involves the planned purchase of materials of various formats to match the instructional and research needs of library users. This four step chain of action begins with the identification of the users research needs. Followed by selection, which determines what materials are most appropriate for the users. The chosen materials are then evaluated to ascertain if it matches the requirements and learning levels of users. The final stage of collection development gives rise to yet another function of the department, namely, acquisition. Acquisition can be described as the process of securing materials for the library’s collection, whether by purchase, as gifts, or through exchange programs. It other words, it involves sourcing and arranging purchase of library materials and maintaining appropriate records. The series of actions for this

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