Describe and Evaluate One Contribution to Society and from the Social Approach and One from the Biological Approach

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A contribution the social approach gives through agency theory is the understanding and explanation to conformity and of blind obedience and how tragedies such as the Mai Lai massacre and The Holocaust can occur. Agency theory was theorised by Milgram, it states and explains how individuals will blindly follow an authoritry figure. Agency theory states that there is an agentic state and an autonomous state, in the agentic state an individual is under the control of someone else and obey their orders even if it causes them moral stress. The autonomous state is when an individual is under their own control and have power over their own decisions. During the agentic state an individual may feel moral strain, moral strain is when a person may be aware that the order they're following is immoral or goes against their moral views but they feel unable to disobey and continue the behaviour anyway. When in the agentic state the individual is acting as an agent for others, they do not feel responsible for their own actions as they believe responsibility falls to the authority figure giving the order. As this gives a clear description of obedience, society can learn from and aim to avoid future events similar to Mai Lai massacre. There has been much researcher into obedience through many studies including Milgram & Hofling, both these studies were lab experiments so any findings from the data would be considered high in validity and therefore any changes made to society from the theory would likely be worthwhile. However agency theory is more of a description than an evaluation of obedience, therefore the theory is incomplete and other theories, such as social power theory it is an alternative explanation for obedience, as a result of this any changes society makes on the basis of agency theory may be invalid and useless as the theory itself may be incorrect/incomplete.

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