Department Stores In The 19Th Century

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As the department store grew in North America from the mid to late 19th century, there was a multitude of changes occurring inside and outside its walls. There was a significant change in retail practices from an old, guild governed system that was not consumer friendly to a hassle free, pleasurable experience for all. It will be shown that this change was evident in the department stores style of business. There was also a change in consumption that was occurring at this time. The economies were expanding which meant people had more money to spend. By democratizing the spread of upper class goods to more people, the department store facilitated the growth of a “culture of consumption,” in which people began buying for leisure rather than simply buying to satisfy basic needs. The appearance of society was also changing at this time. There was an expanding middle class that had access to more goods that were previously limited to the upper classes. By offering low prices and giving people access to more high end goods, the department store helped blur the lines of class that previously divided society. The status of women was also changing at this time due in part to the rise of the department store. The department store gave women a place that was socially acceptable to visit and it was a significant job provider to a growing female workforce. There were also the changes in technology that emerged as modernity gained momentum. The department store was a symbol of this modernity, showing off all that was new in the world. It will become apparent that the department store in the mid to late 19th century symbolized and facilitated many of the changes that arose in society at that time. The Changing Face of Retail One of the most profound changes that is evident from the emergence of the department store is the significant change in retail
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