Dementia Training Essay

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1. Explain what is meant by the term ‘dementia’ Dementia is the term used to describe a group of symptoms that occur when the brain is affected by certain diseases and conditions. Symptoms are progressive and degenerative and as more brain cell get damaged or die, a gradual loss of memory and decline in other intellectual functions which affects a person’s ability to remember, make rational judgments or communicate and is serious enough to interfere with performing the tasks of daily life. There are many different types of dementia, both inherited and non-inherited forms, with Alzheimer’s disease and Vascular dementia the most commonly diagnosed type. Dementia can occur to anyone at any age from damage to the cardiovascular system or a family history of Alzheimer’s disease, although it is most commonly associated with aging. 2a Incorporating your assessment pack and using the diagram as a guide, describe the key functions of the brain that can be affected by dementia. a) Name area 1 of the brain and its key function of this area affected by dementia The frontal lobe located at the front of the brain is one of the major lobes in the brain. The frontal lobe controls voluntary movements, emotional behaviour, personality, interpretation and feeling. 2b b) Name area 2 of the brain and its key function of this area affected by dementia The parietal lobe located at the upper back part of the brain is one of the major lobes in the brain, is responsible for language, special awareness and recognition. 2c c) Name area 3 of the brain and its key function of this area affected by dementia The temporal lobes located at the bottom middle part of the brain is one of the major lobes in the brain, is responsible for long-term memory, speech and hearing. 2d d) Name area 4 of the brain and its key function of this area affected by dementia The
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