Ncfe Level 2 Certificate in the Principles of Dementia Care

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NCFE Level 2 Certificate in the Principles of Dementia care (600/6355/5) Unit 01: Dementia awareness 1.1 Explain what is meant by the term ‘dementia’. Answer: The term dementia' describes a set of symptoms caused by damage to the brain like confusion in a familiar place, loss of memory, changes in mood, and problems with thinking, reading, communication and reasoning. There are several types of Dementia. 1.2 Describe the key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia. Answer: The hippocampus this is the main area affected by Dementia it is responsible for memory forming, organizing and storing and emotions. The ooccipital lobe which is responsible for processing information related to vision, the Cerebrum lobe which is the biggest part of the brain and its role is memory, attention, thought, and our senses and movement. The frontal lobe this is responsible for decision making problem solving, controlling behaviour and emotions. The parietal lobe, responsible for sensory information from the body also where letters are formed, putting things in order and spatial awareness. The temporal lobe which is responsible for vision, memory, language, hearing and learning is affected. 1.3 Explain why depression, delirium and age related memory impairment may be mistaken for dementia. Answer: Conditions such as depression, delirium and age related memory impairment could be mistaken as dementia as they show similar symptoms such as finding it difficult to make decisions, memory loss, low in mood and confusion, extreme emotions such as fear, anxiety, anger or depression, becoming easily distracted, low attention span, urinary incontinence and being withdrawn, with little or no activity or little response to the environment 2.1 Outline the medical model of dementia. Answer: The medical model relates to the clinical approach and treatment of

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