Dementia Hsc Unit 13

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Dementia Awareness Dementia is not a disease in its own rights and it is not a part of the normal aging process. It is a progressive condition which means it will gradually become worse. This is because when dealing with dementia brain cells will begin to die and as these brain cells cannot usually be replaced the cells die and the brain begins to shrink. It is a common illness and affects around 820,000 people just in the UK alone. Most people who suffer with it are over 65 but there are 150,000 people under 65 who also suffer with it. There are 55 types of dementia however 10 of these are the most progressive, 3 of which are the most common and severe. There is currently no cure. Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common case of dementia affecting around 465,000 people in the UK. It is a physical condition affecting the brain. It can be caused by various things such as age, down syndrome and genetics. It is caused when abnormal clumps called either plaques or tangles interfere with how the brain cells work and communicate which cause them to die. People with Alzheimer’s also have a shortage of chemicals that help with the transmission of the brain. The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease may change as the disease progresses. Many symptoms include becoming confused, forgetful, withdrawn, loss if communication, behavioural problems such as mood swings, frustration, anger and sadness. They may begin to have difficulties performing every day tasks such as personal hygiene or eating and drinking. However every person is unique and no two people may have the same symptoms. There is currently no cure but medication can be taken to stabilise some symptoms for a certain period of time. The Second Most popular type of dementia is Vascular dementia. It occurs when the blood supply carrying oxygen and nutrients to the brain is interrupted an without it the brain cells die,

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