Deliberate Practice Essay

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Deliberate Practice What is Deliberate Practice? Deliberate practice is when you use different practices for the one area you are trying to get better in.. This means not practicing the same thing over and over again. When I would use deliberate practice in swimming, I would get better at my performance. But in history class I did not use deliberate practice, because I was not interested in the class and the information we were reading and learning about. I would not understand the homework, therefore I would not learn in class and my performance would be off. Deliberate practiced increased my strengths in swimming, but in history class it did not. My motivation to swim was that I love to swim. I would find any excuse to go swimming. I enjoyed swimming because I would get great exercise, it is great , and because it gave me stress relief. When I swam the exercise was excellent and it made me feel good. I loved that I got full body workout while I enjoyed the feeling of being in the water anyway. When I am in the water I feel so light and powerful, like I can do anything in the water. Because I loved it so much I began to figure out different ways to practice my swimming techniques. I practiced in our apartment’s pool, and also went to Utah pool. This was good because The pool was right outside my door and I lived next to one. Practicing was never an excuse. I would also go to my friend’s pools, and swam with them. At my friend’s pools I would swim back and forth as many times as I could. I tried to swim under water for as long as I could. I went to the gym to, where they had a pool I could use. . I began to get better with my performance. I would do the back stroke, and the front stroke flawlessly. Also I would swim under water from one end of the pool to the other to practice my breathing. The day we got to use flippers in the pool,was awesome because

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