Cypop5-6.3 Essay

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CYPOP5-6.3 Outline regulatory requirements for safeguarding children that affect home based childcare The Department of Education published the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, in which Section 3 outlines the Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements. You must have a safeguarding policy in place which must be regularly reviewed and the policy must be shared with parents. The legal framework for Child Protection is determined by the Children Act 1989. Local policy and guidance in Child Protection is the responsibility of the Local Safeguarding Children Boards, established by the Children Act 2004. All agencies and workers involved in providing services to children have an obligation under Section 11 Children Act 2004 to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. The Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) is a mutli-agency body working within each local authority, the LSCB have a duty to produce safeguarding procedures. The LSCB will contact all other relevant professionals once a concern involving a child is raised to set up a case conference. As a childminder, you may be asked to provide information or a report regarding a child. You must ensure that any information you give is accurate, factual and can be backed up with evidence (for example copies of observations around the child, accident/incident forms). All of this information is completely confidential. As an Ofsted registered childminder you are required to comply with the LSCB procedures. A requirement of registration is that all providers should have a Safeguarding Policy. As a registered childminder or any other adult (over 16) who comes into contact with children in a home based setting must have a current enhanced Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) disclosure. It is also a requirement to complete a Child Protection Course and ensure that your training is up-to-date.

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