Duties and responsibilities of own work role..... SUPPORT FOR THE SCHOOL Responsibilities and duties is to create safe, happy, positive and stimulating learning environment that children can be cared for. To beware and to follow the school policies and procedures relating to child protection, health and safety, school rules, behaviour policy, confidentiality and data protection, reporting any concerns to an appropriate person. To ensure all children and young people have equal access to opportunities to learn and develop. To respect and support the role of other professionals. Keeping up to date with change procedures and practice by attending meetings and training.
An analysis of how national and local guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding affect day to day work with children and young people including, but not limited to: National and local guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding that affect a practitioner’s day to day work relating to; Childcare practice The Education Act 2002 poses a duty on education authorities to promote and safeguard the welfare of children and young people. This affects my day to day work as I must be aware of the child protection procedures at all times, such as how to spot the signs of abuse, how and who to report my concerns, how to maintain a safe school environment, be aware of the health and safety of children and to be able to undertake any training required of me. Child Protection policies and procedures for safeguarding states that all employees, volunteers and students should be properly vetted, which includes checks into the eligibility and the suitability, and that crb checks should be carried out. a crb check will make sure I didn’t have any criminal convictions or to check my suitability to work with children and young people then I would not be allowed to work in my setting. Risk assessment Risk assessments are an important factor in safeguarding children and in my day to day work, before carrying out any activity with children and young people I am required through my setting policies and procedures to carry out a risk assessment first to make sure all involved is safe, for example, if I were to plan an activity, such as an art and craft activity I would need to risk assess the potential danger of scissors, small objects, i.e beads and amend my plan accordingly to suit each individual.
Section 17 focuses on children in need and is updated in the children’s act (2004) Part V relates to safeguarding children and young people. The Education Act 2002 - This sets out the responsibilities of Local Education Authorities (LEAs), Governing bodies, head teachers and all those working in schools to ensure that children are safe and free from harm. Children Act 2004 - This provides the legal framework for Every Child Matters. It includes the requirement for: Services to work more closely, forming an integrated service. Working Together to Safeguard Children 2006 - This sets out the duties of organisations and how they must work together to safeguard children and young people.
3.4: Promote children and young people’s positive behaviour. 1.2 Evaluate how the policies and procedures of the setting support children and young people to: * Feel safe- A school should ensure that every child attending the school feels safe. Policies like Safeguarding children ensure that the right procedures are in place to protect children. All staff working within the school should be trained on the correct procedures for safeguarding children. Anti-bullying policies are in place in school to ensure the children know that bullying is not acceptable behaviour but a child should feel confident enough to report an incident if one occurs and should know who they can go to within the school to discuss any such situations.
NVQ Support Teaching and Learning In Schools Level 2 Unit TDA 2.2 – Safeguarding the welfare of children and young people. 1.1 – Identify the current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people including e-safety. Policies include:- The Childrens Act (1989) – This states that parents and professionals must work to ensure the safety of the child. Section 47 states that the Local Authority has a duty to investigate when there is a reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. Section 17 states that services must be put in place to promote and safeguard the welfare of children who are in need.
TDA 2.9 1. Describe the policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children and young people’s positive behaviour. In the school when managing behaviour, all members of staff need to be aware of school polices and procedures. School have to make sure that all children in the school understand how they expected to behave to kind and considerate manner and also encourage them to learn in a positive environment. The policies include guidance: Behaviour policy :( Promoting appropriate behaviour in the children and discouraging inappropriate behaviour) The school’s behaviour policy is very important because this policy gives guidelines to all members of staff how they can manage children behaviour.
Aim 4: Keeping children Safe from Crime Follow PSHE and Citizenship Policy which encourages independence, responsibility, confidence, positive self esteem, self awareness and respect. Aim 5: Protecting children’s Security Implement child protection policies and procedures working in partnership with pupils, parents and agencies. All staff members are aware of, monitor, comply with and discuss issues of health and safety continuously whilst working. When guiding visitors or parents/carers through the school we must also make them aware of health and safety pointing out fire exits in case of fire. Staff must attend training and always follow policies and procedures to ensure good practice.
1.1 Identify the Current Legislation, Guidelines, Policies and Procedures for Safeguarding the Welfare of Children and Young People, including E-safety. Safeguarding is defined in Working together to safeguard children 2013 as: * protecting children from maltreatment * preventing impairment of children’s health and development * ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and * taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes All staff within a school environment are responsible for the welfare of children, and to ensure that they are kept safe from harm. It is the right of every child to have a safe and secure environment to learn in and to develop essential skills for adulthood. High profile cases such as Victoria Climbie in 2000, Baby P in 2007 and Daniel Pelka in 2012 proved the need to continually review, revise and amend legislation. There is no single piece of legalisation that covers safeguarding in the UK, below are some legislation and guidelines laid down by the government to ensure schools can, and do safeguard children effectively, and to ensure correct procedures and processes are followed.
The Education Act (2002). This sets out the responsibilities of the Local Education Authorities governing bodies, head teachers and all those working in schools or childcare settings to ensure that children are safe and free from harm. Children Act (2004). This provides the legal framework for Every Child Matters. It includes the requirements for: services to work more closely, forming an integrated service, a common assessment of children’s needs, a shared database of information which is relevant to the safety and welfare of children and earlier support for parents who are experiencing problems.
The Education Act 2002 This sets out the responsibilities of Local Education Authorities (LEAs), governing bodies, head teachers and all those working in schools to ensure that children are safe and free from harm. Children Act 2004 This provides the legal framework for Every Child Matters. It includes the requirement for: ● services to work more closely, forming an integrated service a ‘common’ assessment of children’s needs ● shared database of information which is relevant to the safety and welfare of children ● earlier support for parents who are experiencing problems Policies which safeguard Schools must develop a range of policies which ensure the safety, security and well-being of their pupils. These will set out the responsibilities of