Curley's Wife Quotes

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In this essay I will explore how Steinbeck presents the characters Curley and Curley’s wife in the novel ‘Of Mice and Men’. We are introduced to Curley in the beginning of the novel; Steinbeck portrays Curley as “young man... and a head of tightly curled hair... He wore high-heeled boots.’ From this quote we can deduce that when Steinbeck writes ‘high heel boots’ the boots signify his elevated position on the ranch and their importance over the other men. Also Steinbeck portrays Curley through the curls in his hair which represents how he is tightly wound up and has temper issues, but isn't weak. Later in the novel we meet Curley’s wife, she is portrayed as a provocative character with her “full, rouged lips and wide-spaced eyes”. From this quote we can infer that Steinbeck is presenting Curley’s wife as a sexual object, with her red lipstick. In addition we can say that her red lipstick and her red nails can indicate danger, lust and passion. However on the other hand we can say that she puts on her makeup to cover up her loneliness and the shattered broken dream of her becoming a star. Steinbeck’s creates effect through illustrating…show more content…
In addition they both comparable, in the sense that they are always looking for each other however never quite find each other, this shows how they operate on different levels mentally. They never find each other due to Curley’s wife flirting and trying to talk to the ranch men and Curley trying to pick up a fight with the ‘big
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