Crytical Analysis of a Doll House

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Critical Analysis of A Doll House In “A Doll House”, Nora and Mrs. Linde are two very different characters. These polar opposites come into each others' lives and drastically change each others course in life for the better. By the end of the play both women are headed in opposite directions than they were in the start. When Mrs. Linde enters the play she has aged physically and mentally in the past eight years. Nora: “And he left you nothing?” Mrs. Linde: “No” Nora: “And no children?” Mrs. Linde: “No.” Nora: “Nothing at all, then?” Mrs Linde: “Not even a sense of loss to feed on” (“A Doll House” P 1143) This demonstrates the position that Mrs Linde is in at this point of her life. She has traveled a long distance all alone to find a job from Torvald, Nora's Husband. Mrs. Linde has lost everything and hit rock bottom. Nora at this point has had an easier life, and been taken care of. She is a very attractive woman who plays the act of the “silly, ditsy, bubbly, woman” so to speak. Nora is not as naïve as she plays on, but she is happy go lucky, acting as if she hasn't a care in the world. Nora wants to spend money more freely, live life more freely and be careless unlike her husband Torvald. Torvald is only concerned with how others perceive him; he is a narcissist and arrogant. Nora is genuinely good at heart and wants her children to be happy. The Helmers have a maid who watches their three children and Torvald is a banker who just got promoted so they would be considered to be upper middle class. From the looks of things they are quite a happy family. Nora and Mrs Linde have opposite lives Linde's has been hard and rough where Nora's has been more sheltered, and she has been taken care of herself never on her own. As Nora and Mrs Linde mirror each other Nora starts revealing that her marriage and life isn't as good as it appears to be. She
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