Critical Thinking; Basic Concepts of Quantitative Reasoning; Hypothesis Formulation

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TUI UNIVERSITY Critical Thinking; Basic Concepts of Quantitative Reasoning; Hypothesis Formulation Robert Davis Module 1 Case Assignment Course Number: BHS 420 Dr. Anderson 23 October 2011 Introduction At a residence hall at a large Midwestern university, surveys were administered to Resident Advisors (RA) and their residence to collect information on Alcohol 101 diffusion process and program utilization rates. This article discusses the different ways for the distribution and promotion of the Alcohol 101 CD ROM multimedia to first year college students, and the impact it has. Also, it discusses the results of the method distributions used by the RAs does have impact on student utilization rates, although most of the RAs felt the diffusion process would be better if they were not involved. Reference: Martin, R., Usdan, S., Reis, J., & Cremeens, J. (2007). Diffusion of a multimedia alcohol education program to first-year college students. American Journal of Health Studies, 22(4), 211-216. Retrieved August 1, 2011 from ProQuest. Purpose of the study: Comparing different methods for distributing health educational material among first year college students. Participants: 153 first year college students (41 females and 112 males) and 10 resident advisors (RA) at a large resident hall at a large Midwestern University. Type of Study: It was a quantitative study. The study encompassed the use of possible ways to distribute the Alcohol 101 multimedia to its target audience, also improving participation among first year student through one-on-one or group meetings. Hypothesis: Studies have shown that drinking, particular binge drinking is widespread on college campuses. Alcohol 101 based the program factors known to influence volitional behavior and presents information in a way that is appealing to college students. Procedure: Assigned a
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