Critical Analysis

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Critical Analysis of “Television: A Harmless Pastime?” By Sara Hutchinson For D.F.Jochims November 4, 2013 ENC 2300-10236 Sara Hutchinson ENC 2300-10236 Mr. Jochims November 4, 2013 Critical Analysis of “Television: A Harmless Pastime” In “Television: A Harmless Pastime,” Barnabus Declan Biggs is trying to persuade his audience that it is important to take control of television violence. The purpose of his essay is that television promotes violent behavior and to urge parents to demand limiting violence in TV especially in programming for children. This is a very well put thesis for the following topic. Even though the essay portrays a fairly good purpose, Barnabus does have a few weak points that should be addressed; such as his methods of argument, his one sided persona, and providing the audience with definitions and examples of violence. Barnabus’s method of argument is the first weakness that should be taken in to consideration. Right away in the introduction he starts talking about these two different teen crises that happened shortly after a certain television show was televised. He is automatically giving the impression that both of these incidents happened because of these new shows. Although they are both true events, Barnabus has no proof that those teens watched those movies. The argument that is being offered here is that television is a cause of violence and especially for children. He gives these accusations based off of facts of experiments that took place at three different Universities. These experiments are very valid points included in the following issue. The evidence of these facts though is not very thorough and it would have been a good idea to add more sources to back up his information and not just in the numbers although having numbers is a good way of showing importance. There are a few errors in the works cited that

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