Criterion Tests Essay

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Criterion Referenced Test What is Criterion Referenced Test? References 11 Nicholas Dillon Old Harbour Campus January 2013 References • Anastasi, A. (1988). Psychological Testing. New York, New York: MacMillan Publishing Company. • Stiggins, R.J. (1994). Student-Centered Classroom Assessment. New York: Merrill • Good, R. H., & Salvia, J. (1988). Curriculum bias in published, norm-referenced readingtests: Demonstrable effects. School Psychology Review, 17 (1), 51–60. • • • The Advantages of Criterion-Referenced Testing | • DISTINGUISH AMONG “NORM REFERENCE” AND “CRITERION REFERENCE” TESTING. DISCUSS THE IMPACT OF THE APPLICATION OF THESE TYPES OF TEST ON STUDENTS PERFORMANCE. [pic] In education, “a test is a set of items designed to measure certain student achievements, aptitude, developmental levels, attitude and skills” as define in the text “Classroom Testing and Evaluation” (Mary Richardson 1998). Functions of criterion testing a) Checks progress of the student b) Identifies students problems C) Controls course quality(after finding the problem it can be addressed effectively) I n writing the (CRT) we focus attention to the three basic elements of the objectives which are performance,conditions and standard (DCS). When should you use criterion referenced test? Place a tick by the statement (s) below which are characteristics of criterion referenced test. a) ___ grade indicates individual achievement compared to predetermined standard. b) ___
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