Criminal Acts and Choice Theories Response

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Criminal Acts and Choice Theories Response The basis of the “choice theory” is to show why and/or what causes a criminal to make the choice to commit a crime. Every person has to make their own choices and decisions and criminals make irrational decisions when, where, and how to commit a crime. All the while giving no thought to the punishments for their actions because the personal gain is of greater value to them. Criminals do not believe the laws apply to them. The criminal commit crimes for personal gain, money, power, and status. The “choice theory” was developed by an Italian philosopher named Cesare Becarria in the 18th century. Becarria believed that criminals were social deviants that choose to commit the crime even know that it is wrong. The most common model used to determine which acts are considered criminal are the consensus model and the conflict model. The consensus model is the model that most of people in the world live by moral values and beliefs. Knowing that criminal acts will be punished. The conflict model, criminal acts are determined by the group or groups that hold the power. Those groups would be the powers in the community such as political, social, and economic powers. When the group with the most power changes, the acts that are considered to be criminal change. Society is affected by the concept of the “choice theory” because it needs to figure out what punishment fits the crime to keep other criminals from committing the same crimes. Society need to make this laws to have control over law and order within their societies. It allows them away to keep law abiding citizens saver in their own
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