Crime Scene Investigator and the Crime Lab

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Crime Scene Investigator and the Crime Lab Mary Adams Everest University Crime Scene Investigator and the Crime Lab My dream job is working in a coroner’s office in a major city, like Atlanta, Georgia. I want to be able to help victims of crimes to get closure and help bring individuals who commit such crimes to justice. Working in a job which will determine the cause and circumstances of someone’s death will be rewarding and something that I believe could be of great interest for me. Criminal investigation is interesting and provides details to the why, how, where, and who actually committed the crime which will result in a criminal being convicted and given a sentence for the crime committed. The job opportunities is limitless and the salary is determined by experience and education, an entry level crime scene tech could make $30,595 annually while someone with a bachelor degree could be lead CSI and make a salary of $55,900 to $75,500 annually. Crime Scene Investigators generally work for law enforcement and includes duties such as collect, analyze, and interpret all aspects of physical evidence that can be used for criminal convictions. They are responsible for securing the crime scene which includes establishing a perimeter and making sure no one except crime scene investigators and other law enforcement officials. Crime scene investigators often conduct surveillance and interviews outside of the office involving eyewitnesses. Another aspect a crime scene investigator might possess is the ability to use cameras and document the scene and use fingerprint technology to track potential suspects. The educational requirements of the crime scene investigator are two to four years of college with specialization in forensic science, chemistry/biology, criminology, etc. The most basic entry level is the crime scene technician

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