Creon's Death In Sophocles Antigone

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In the Greek tragedy, Antigone, the character of Creon fails in what he sets out to do and encounters unhappiness, ruin, and even death because of it. The play opens with Creon, the king of Thebes, denying Polynices his right to a proper burial. When Polynices’ sister, Antigone, hears of this she decides to bury her brother, despite the consequences and Creon sentences her to death. Time and time again throughout the play, Creon fails to heed the advice of others and, in turn, suffers great turmoil. Creon fails from the very beginning of the play when he sentences Antigone to death without taking her explanation into account. When the sentry who first finds Polynices’ body has been buried discovers that Antigone is the perpetrator he takes her to the king as he has been ordered to do. When Creon asks Antigone if she is aware of the crime she has committed, she explains…show more content…
He says that Haemon’s life will be the payment to Creon’s debts to the Gods and that Creon has now gone beyond forgiveness. When Teiresias is led away by his acolyte the chorus reminds Creon that no one has ever known Teiresias’ prophecies to be false and Creon finally realizes he needs to undo what he has done but it is too late. Creon’s failure does not go unnoticed by the Gods and he is punished for the bad decisions he has made. Throughout the play, Creon’s failures cause much calamity. Though at the time of the bad decisions, Creon believes he was doing what is best for Thebes, his stubbornness and pride prevents him from being a good leader. Because of his decisions he loses the lives of his niece, Antigone, his son, Haemon, and his wife, Eurydice. But his failures are not in vain; Creon is a different man at the end of the play. Although it takes a great deal of suffering for him to realize his faults, he becomes a better man and a better leader because of

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