Controlled Assessment Material A453: Task 3 Hangman

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Umar Burhanudin Centre Number: 10818 Centre Name: Globe Academy Candidate Number: 2102 Candidate Name: Umar Burhanudin Unit Code & Title: A453 Programming Project Assignment Title: Controlled Assessment Material A453 - Task 3 Hangman 1 Umar Burhanudin A453 – Hangman Producing the Interface I used VB Express to produce this program. To start, I opened a new Windows Form Application. When opening VB, go to File, then New Project. The following window will appear. Select Windows Forms Application and a new form will appear. Using basic shapes and lines found under Visual Basic PowerPacks, I produced a basic Hangman interface. 2 Umar Burhanudin I then added some colour to the Hangman, by changing the BackColor to lime. Changing the BackColor changes the…show more content…
End If If Guess = Mid(WordInput, 2, 1) Then MsgBox("correct") lettercorrect = lettercorrect + 1 txtletter2.Text = Guess End If If Guess = Mid(WordInput, 3, 1) Then MsgBox("correct") lettercorrect = lettercorrect + 1 txtletter3.Text = Guess End If If Guess = Mid(WordInput, 4, 1) Then MsgBox("correct") lettercorrect = lettercorrect + 1 txtletter4.Text = Guess End If If Guess = Mid(WordInput, 5, 1) Then MsgBox("correct") lettercorrect = lettercorrect + 1 txtletter5.Text = Guess End If If Guess = Mid(WordInput, 6, 1) Then MsgBox("correct") lettercorrect = lettercorrect + 1 txtletter6.Text = Guess End If If Guess = Mid(WordInput, 7, 1) Then MsgBox("correct") lettercorrect = lettercorrect + 1 txtletter7.Text = Guess End If If Guess = Mid(WordInput, 8, 1) Then MsgBox("correct") lettercorrect = lettercorrect + 1 txtletter8.Text = Guess End If If Guess = Mid(WordInput, 9, 1) Then MsgBox("correct") lettercorrect = lettercorrect + 1 txtletter9.Text = Guess End If If Guess = Mid(WordInput, 10, 1) Then MsgBox("correct") lettercorrect = lettercorrect + 1 txtletter10.Text = Guess End If If Guess = Mid(WordInput, 11, 1) Then MsgBox("correct") lettercorrect = lettercorrect + 1 txtletter11.Text = Guess End

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