Context and Principles for Early Years Provision.

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EYMP1- Context and Principles for Early Years Provision. 1.1- Explain the legal status and principles of the relevant Early Years Framework and why the Early Years Frameworks emphasise a personal and individual approach to learning and development. In England the relevant framework is the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). The original framework was created in 2008, but was reformed in 2012 after the framework had been reviewed. The EYFS is a statutory framework which is relevant for all children from 0-5 that are being cared for or educated outside of their own homes and is a statutory curriculum in order to provide these children with suitable education for their age. The reformed framework focuses on the 3 prime areas of development; Physical development, Communication and Language development and Personal, Social and Emotional development. The other 4 areas of development are also worked on but these 3 remain the most important and are essential for future learning and development. The reformed framework also presented progress checks at the age of two so that children’s progress can be monitored and interventions can take place earlier than they may have happened. The framework also required assessments at age 5 to be simplified. The Early Years Frameworks put emphasis on a personal and individual approach to learning and development because we need to understand that every child is different and unique and will therefore learn and develop at different rates, therefore we must assess and plan for each child individually so we can identify their needs so that we can support them effectively. 1.2- Explain how national and local guidance materials are used in settings. Each different nation within the UK has set up their own frameworks that need to be followed. However, although they are all slightly different, there are still some fundamental features
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