Constraints of Life- Titanic

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The constraints of life are an important theme that James Cameron explores in his romantic love story, “Titanic”. Cameron shows us both, the emotional and physical constraints, by the use of various visual and oral techniques such as, lighting, voice over and dialogue. Along with its numerous awards and nominations, Titanic’s powerful and incredibly moving plot assures its status as one of the greatest and most watched movie of all time. It was April 10 1916, when a young Rose DeWitt Burkater boards the RMS Titanic with her family. Around the same time, an artist by the name of Jack Dawson wins tickets to the ship at a dockside card game. The moment he steps onto the Titanic, his path became destined to entwine with that of Rose. From their first encounter, when Jack saves Rose from falling overboard, to their last, when Jack sacrifices his life to save her, the audience can see how love and trust in each other can break even the most binding of all bonds. James Cameron uses dialogue and voice over in his film “Titanic” to show us the emotional constraints of life through Rose. For Rose the ‘Ship of Dreams’ is a slave ship taking her “to America in chains”. Her mother, Ruth, comments that "The purpose of a university is to find a suitable husband. Rose already has that." Cameron effectively uses dialogue in this scene to highlight the restriction of Rose and society in general, in which people so not do what they want but what the feel socially obliged to. It is at a first class dinner that we hear a voice-over of old Rose saying, “I saw my whole life as if I'd already lived it …I felt like I was standing at a great precipice, with … no one who cared... or even noticed.” This is the moment Rose realised that she is part of a pointless existence. Cameron uses voice over to show the audience how, by following the norms of society, we lose our freedom, leaving us
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