Congestive Heart Failural

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Congestive Heart Failure We all heard of congestive heart failure, but do you really know what congestive heart failure is? Congestive heart failure is when the heart isn’t able to pump enough blood or oxygen to meet your body’s need, do to other conditions that weaken or damage your heart. The term congestive heart failure comes from blood backing up into your liver, abdomen, lungs, and lower extremities. It can involve your left side of the heart and the right side of the heart or both sides. Left side failure is the most common failure which leads to fluids backing up in your lungs leading to shortness of breath. Right side failure leads to swelling in your feet and legs. There are several factors that can lead to congestive heart failure, CAD, hypertension, myocarditis, myocardial infarction, congenital heart defect diabetes. African descent is more likely have heart failure and to die from it.Heart failure can be chronic or acute. Chronic heart failure means ongoing, acute means it started suddenly. Below are some signs and symptoms of chronic heart failure 1. Shortness of breath, 2. Fatigue or weakness 3. Swelling in your feet legs ankle 4. Sudden weight gain from fluid retention 5. Decrease alertness 6. Fluid overload Acute heart failure has similar signs and symptoms as chronic more worst and starts suddenly. 1. Sudden fluids build up 2. Coughing up pink foaming mucus ii. Rapid heartbeat or palpation 1. Shortness of breath Congestive heart failure is diagnosed by physical signs and tests. With a medical history it would show if you have risk factors for CHF.Enlarge heart, swelling of the feet, abnormal heart sounds tenderness or swelling of the liver are the physical signs that is look for in heart failure.EKG, blood test chest x-ray, angiography is some of the tests you can get done to test for CHF. CHF can be treated in many different ways

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