Conceptual Foundations of Social Psychology

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Analyze the ethical aspects of professional psychology as they relate to mental health professionals. The concept of understanding the ethical aspects of professional psychology and the issues that relates to mental health professional. Each of these codes was used to protect the community while offering guidance to each qualified psychologist on how to service their clients. This critical reason is use to educate each professional psychologist on a more proper ethical conduct. These standards could expand their problem solving, awareness, values and clarification ability. Although these standards promote their liability, each therapist should maintain each ethical conduct by encouraging their colleagues as well (Hillenbrand and Claiborn, 1988). Ethics are moral values that embrace each person or group by designed to present regulations for accurate conduct. In recognize the ethical conduct the result of comprehension and understanding of each philosophical morality seem to underline the ethics code, the leading behavior that symbolizes the prime of life, decision and carefulness. These ethical beliefs are governed by the mental health professional that describe each standards in regards to his or her behavior. The main purpose for this revision is to evaluate the ethical belief of mental health professional and nonprofessional across a wide range of counselor, which probably would not allocate the same ethical beliefs (Hillenbrand and Claiborn, 1988). Claiborn (1994) analysis how these nonprofessionals could not achieve direct statistical judgment or nonprofessional ethical belief to each individuals in mental health professional. Nevertheless, by reducing small amount variable these treatments could conduct an exploratory response for both mental health professional and nonprofessional who decided to resign from therapy. Hillenbrand, E.T, & Claiborn.

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