Comparison Between “The Handsomest Drowned Man In

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Comparison between “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World and “The Drowned Giant.” “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” by Gabriel Marquez and “The Drowned Giant” by J.G. Ballard are both short stories that explore the ways in which societies react to the external and exotic world. “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” is about a man who was washed ashore near a small village and the impact of the man’s presence, which helped the villagers to revive their dreary and barren village into a beautiful and lively place. In “The Drowned Giant” a giant was washed ashore on the beach near a city; naturally this caused attention from city dwellers and the media. The narrator is a researcher who provided critical commentary on the giant’s presence and the crowd’s behaviour towards him. This essay is a comparison of both stories that will include commentary on the ways in which the authors use language to convey their respective themes. Characterization plays a significant role in both stories which helps to enhance their respective themes. Throughout “The Drowned Giant” we see through the eyes of the narrator, who visits the giant’s body frequently and provides a very vivid and precise report, how he describes the crowds, “clambering all over the giant”, bruising his face and even “jostling each other in and out of the orbits”. Despite this amazing incident their actions prove that they have no respect for the giant or even care about his origins. Ballard portrays them as abusive and insensitive. At times the narrator refers to them as “spectators”, which relates them to people who watch games, or shows and don’t get emotionally involved. Through this, the reader realizes that they’re more interested in exploiting the giant for their personal gain than trying to learn about him as a human being. On the other hand, the narrator feelings contrast with the crowd;

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