Compare How Shakespeare and Poets from the Literary Heritage Present Relationships.

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William Shakespeare opens his most loved tragic play “Romeo and Juliet” with a sonnet that is spoken by a chorus. The Prologue is used for two purposes of which consist on the modern audience and the Elizabethan audience. The prologue is able to tell the two audiences what the play is about. This is most important in the Elizabethan times because most of the audience were uneducated and often illiterate, therefore the prologue was crucial for the audience as they would decide weather they want to stay and watch the play of leave. Shakespeare’s sonnet tells you of “a pair of star-cross’d lovers who take their life” This shows that both Romeo and Juliet took their own lives just so they could be together. The use of the word “Star-cross’d’ betrays that the two characters went against their religion and killed themselves so they would be able to be together. Throughout the prologue Shakespeare has used the Lambic pentameter to show the natural up/downs of relationships (Through the unstressed/stressed x5 beat). A reason why Shakespeare starts with a sonnet is because sonnets have rules that cannot be broken. Just like relationships, which also have rules and if they are broken the relationship fails. In Act Two, Scene Three, Friar Lawrence discus’s on how flowers and herbs have good qualities and bad. Just like the people, “with baleful weeds and precious juiced flowers” The weeds can be bad as they are evil and poisonous, whereas the flowers are good and “precious”, By this he is saying that the good times are rare. Friar Lawrence is also commenting on how this can relate to the way that in every relationship there is good and bad qualities. The Laboratory is an example on the relationship between people and revenger. The speaker in the laboratory believes that the flowers and herbs only hold good qualities. The alliterative phrase “Delicate droplet” shows that the

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