Compare/Contrast Two Historical Figures – Plato and Aristotle

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Comparative and Contrast Essay Topic: “Compare/Contrast two historical figures – Plato and Aristotle.” Instructor: Ms. Dawn Stevens Words: 736 The philosophical evolution of ancient west world was influenced by two significant Greek philosophers, Plato and Aristotle. At their work we can find many common grounds at their opinions, which are explained by the fact that they are teacher and student, but also they have world-shaking differences. The main and most significant dissent of them was the perception about world. For Plato, which was idealist, all the truth is included at “World of Ideas”. For him at this world exist everything we can understand eternally and indestructible. On the other hand, Aristotle accepts that our world is variable and perishable and with logical arguments he concludes that the reality is included only in objective world and there is no existence out of its limits. Aristotle claims that spirit and ideas does not exist without substance but they are result of a complex process which is come from mixture of four basic elements: Matter, Form, Energy and Purpose. With one or other way it is sure that both philosophers think that the human can claim the truth. Another difference is their perception about art. Their opinions about art are strongly related with their perception for world. Plato thought that artists describe a false and fictional world that sources from the “World of Ideas”. Based on that he wanted to poetry to be exiled from education of young citizens. However, Aristotle thought that poetry and art represents the real (objective) truth, not because art is imitation but whereas is creatively and effected by many variables of the real world. For him is not dangerous for young citizens. A less known dissension is their perception about the reason of city creation. Plato claimed that cities (states) was created to serve peoples need
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