Comparative Criminal Justice System

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Utica College CRJ 451 / Comparative Criminal Justice Systems Summer 2012 Instructor: Adjunct Instructor of Criminal Justice Division of Social Sciences & Management Address: 1600 Burrstone Road, Utica, N.Y. 13502 E-mail: Phone Course Description This course examines crime, social control and crime prevention from an international comparative perspective. A number of key countries are analyzed in order to compare practices in policing, the administration of justice, and corrections. Developments in several countries are examined in order to learn critical lessons about the interplay between cultures, types of government, quality of life, and crime. Variations in the level of crime are analyzed…show more content…
Topics will be selected by the student and agreed upon by the instructor. The topic must correlate to the subject material being taught. Since this class is comparative in nature, I expect the research paper to compare and contrast some aspect of the subject material. An example of a topic would be a comparison of the United States and Japan in regards to policing, corrections and the courts. I expect the student to use some research beyond what I have provided for the class. You may use the textbooks and/or other materials I have provided as long as you include some original…show more content…
There are several books and web sites that can assist the student with the use of APA style (i.e. The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, The research paper should be a minimum of seven pages, while not exceeding twelve pages. Papers will be double spaced using a maximum of a 12-point font. The research paper will be completed in two parts. The first draft version will be graded on content. In this version I will not be overly critical of spelling, grammar or APA. This version will be returned to the student with comments to help make sure they have satisfactory covered the topic. The final version of the research paper will be graded on content, grammar, spelling and APA documentation. I expect the student to incorporate my comments from the draft version. • It is possible to turn in a draft version that meets all the necessary elements of a final version. Note: Please cite all sources to avoid plagiarism. I will be checking all papers with a service called, which checks research papers for plagiarism. Threaded Discussion

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