Community Problems In The City Of New York

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The City of New York, as well as many other major American cities, is experiencing severe financial difficulties which are directly affecting the well-being and livelihood of its citizens. The government is responsible for many services such as: sanitation, snow removal, street and road upkeep and cleaning. The City is also responsible for disaster management. Unfortunately, the current government administration appears to be neglectful and is not fulfilling its duties to the citizens. This winter, the city faced a nightmare situation, due to the delay in government response. On December 26th, a blizzard pummeled New York City. Approximately 20 inches of snow fell over the city. Cars and city buses were abandoned on the unplowed streets and highways. When the plows were slowly dispatched they did not clear the streets efficiently. Some roads were not cleared for four days. The mayor did not proclaim a snow emergency. State Senator Carl Kruger called the response a "Colossal Failure.” If a simple snowstorm can amplify the dreadful parking conditions New Yorkers face every day, imagine a blizzard. The massive amount of snow that blocked the streets produced the worst parking conditions possible. After the plow trucks came and cleared the roads, driveways were covered by mountains of snow, and cars parked on the street were plowed in. Many residents simply left their cars under the snow because they had no way to get them out. The delay in the city’s response cost human lives due to ambulances not being able to reach their destinations. Many residents feel that if the Mayor proclaimed a snow emergency and the Sanitation Department performed its job properly, many of these issues would have been avoided. As a result, many potholes were produced due to the melting snow flowing underneath and inside the existing hole. Potholes can lead to vehicular tire damage,
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