Common Toilet Infections: Symptoms and Preventions

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We are all prone to toilet diseases. Men, women, literates, illiterates, young and old make use of restrooms which expose us to infections if our hygiene is nothing to write home about. Women are more prone to these infections because most of them sit on these toilet seats. Toilet diseases are the infections one can contact through the use of the toilet in an unhygienic way or through using dirty public toilets. Toilet diseases can be contacted from dirty toilet, toilet door knobs and handles, by touching toilet surfaces with fingers or not washing hands after using the toilet. They are referred to as "faeco- oral" diseases. The usage of toilet by several people with different backgrounds, hygiene ideas and infections makes one contact toilet infections and those with poor hygiene are more susceptible to the diseases. There are various myths and wrong notion about toilet diseases. Some people believe that the sexually transmitted infections can be likened to toilet diseases that are contacted through the toilet. This is wrong because STIs cannot be transmitted from toilet use because the viruses and bacteria causing STIs cannot survive without the human body. Thus, STIs are only contacted through unprotected sexual activities (read about common STDs and STIs). People, especially the women attribute all vaginal infections and irritations to toilet diseases. They cover up their sexual escapades and consequences, and hide under toilet diseases. The use of public toilets and pit latrines in schools, markets, restaurants, supermarkets, airports, hotels, motels and in some houses predispose people more to toilet infections. Examples are the ecoli, noro virus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, shigella bacteria, gardnerella, trichhomoniasis, influenza, and all forms of microscopic germs found on toilet seats and inside the

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