Common Sense by Thomas Paine

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Common Sense is a document written by Thomas Paine who strongly supports to have the colonies become an independent nation. He argues that the nation has to break ties from the evils of Britain, in order to have an established society. Common Sense is basically a commentary about government and its views of man helped shape the attitude of the colonist in the time of the revolutionary war. Paine begins to argue and distinguish between government and society. Society is everything constructive and good that people join together to accomplish. Government, on the other hand, is an institution whose sole purpose is to protect us from our own mistakes. Government has its origins in the evil of man and is therefore a necessary evil at best. The government's sole purpose is to protect life, liberty and property, but the people will prefer to be responsible for the creation of the laws that rule them. The British system is too complex and harmful, and that the monarchy is granted far too much power. The British system pretends to offer a reasonable system of checks and balances, but in fact, it does not. Then we argue in general, the works of monarchy and hereditary succession. People are born into a state of equality, and the distinction between king and subject is not natural. The world was created without kings, but ancient Jews decided they wanted a king. The practice of monarchy originates from sin, and is an institution that the Bible and God condemn. Hereditary succession a despicable practices because if people were to choose to have a king, it does not justify that King's child acting as a future ruler. Furthermore, hereditary succession has brought with it innumerable evils, such as in competent kings, corruption, and civil war. Paine sets in to discuss the details of the American situation such as America evolving and no longer needing Britain. Some

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