Cognitive Behavioral Intervention Approach

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There are many types of effective intervention strategies that are put into place to help manage students that are diagnosed with EBD. Regardless of the intervention used in school, to help regulate the child’s behavior, the purpose of intervention is to allow the student to manage their own behavior no matter where they are. Because of that reason, the self-management strategy is an effective technique of providing support to EBD children. Advocates of Cognitive Behavioral Intervention attest to the mutual relationship with behaviors and thoughts as a primary principle of their method. Engage CBIs children in self-management, which involve; self-control, self-instruction, self-evaluating, self-monitoring, and self-reinforcement. (Yell et al., 2009) Procedures of CBI In Cognitive Behavioral Intervention programs, children are encouraged to manage their behaviors by using reinforcement to help promote acceptable behavior. Through the CBI procedures children are engaged in observation, keeping records, and reinforcement. In many behavioral management strategies, the teacher controls the procedures of observation, record keeping, and reinforcement. Through the implementation of CBI, the target student, thus promoting self-management, accountability for actions, and independence, completes three procedures. (Yell et al., 2009) The first phase is for the child to record the rate that the behavior occurred. Self- monitoring is said to be very successful in promoting positive relations between learners. In order for students to successfully record their behavior they must identify that the behavior is actually happening, then the behavior is recorded. This is usually done on graphic organizer or journal provided by the teacher. For example, the child in CBI 2 is given a journal that has a space for when and how long did the behavior take place. Spaces are also

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