Cm107 College Composition 1 Unit 3 Project

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To begin, courage is a highly acclaimed trait in a person. Courage is typically thought of with war, depression, and historic figures. Courage is the ability to confront fear, danger, or intimidation. Physical courage is courage in the face of physical pain, hardship, or threat of death. Moral courage is the ability to act rightly in the face of popular opposition, shame, or discouragement. Courage is often over looked in everyday people. The motivation behind courageous acts many times have also been over looked. Also to possess courage involves more than simply being brave which many think. The historic figure I choose is Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela has one of those personalities who has changed the course of history through their courage, dedication, and bravery. South Africa, a country mainly inhabited by its natives was being ruled by a tiny minority of Caucasians. If there was a rule of law or a rule that ensures the human rights of all people without any discrimination on the basis of race, it would have not been acceptable. But Africa's government was the worst example of racialism and violation of the human rights. However, Nelson Mandela still stood up for what he thought was right and, led his people to freedom. He rose above his personal interests and always kept the interest of his nation above all. He was offered attractive gifts as a price of his loyalty and sincerity but he never accepted those offers. He accepted a prolonged imprisonment over the freedom that was over shadowed with a piece of slavery. He believed if he spent his prime age in the prison, his people will have their taste of freedom, and he proved that. This was the forces of his character that carried him along against all odds. Nelson Mandela is great example of courage both moral and physical. To summarize courage is being able to confront fear, danger, or intimidation it can
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