Clinical Prractice Essay

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Reflection Of Clinical Practice Nursing Essay The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate application of core components of the NMC Code of Professional Conduct (2008) using reflective practice. The NMC Code of Professional Conduct (2008) states that nurses should act in accordance with the code, using an ethical and legal framework to ensure patient wellbeing and respect confidentiality. Nurses must act in a fair, non-discriminatory way which respects customs, values and beliefs of an individual, providing care which demonstrates sensitivity (NMC 2008, p2). Reflective practice is described by Duffy (2008, p.1405) as an active and deliberate process to critically examine practice, where an individual is challenged to undertake the process of self-enquiry. Refection allows us to look at an experience and how it makes us feel and react, asking what is good and bad, and what can be learnt (Sellman & Snelling 2010). Gibb’s reflective cycle (1988) allows a systematic and structured analysis and reflection of an event. This essay is an example of a student's work Disclaimer This essay has been submitted to us by a student in order to help you with your studies. This iDescription. On my second day of placement in Theatres, I was in the recovery room where a 3 year old boy was being recovered following surgery. The next patient admitted was a Polish lady, who I will call Joanna, in order to maintain confidentiality. She was admitted following an elective termination of pregnancy. Pre operatively she had an interpreter present, but she had returned to the ward and was not present in recovery. When she woke up, Joanna turned to her right and saw the 3 year old boy next to her. She became distressed and started to cry. Joanna appeared to understand no English at all, I tried to calm her down and reassure her, but she did not seem to comprehend. The staff

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