Client Case Study Sample

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Client Name: Karen Kollings Date: November 24, 2014 Client DOB: 6/19/1992 Time: 2:30 p.m. SSN# 044-57-0900 Client ID: MR555-66874 Address: 12 Silly Lane, Bridgeport, CT 06774 Telephone: 203-567-8900 Referral Source: Department of Mental Health Services Assessment Location: The Connection Counseling Center Clinician name: Mary Silly Brief Description Client is a 24 year old SBF who was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Client lives with her mother and has one daughter who is four years old. Client is unemployed and was referred by her therapist. Presenting Problem Client has an extensive sexual abuse history beginning at the age of seven, which led to the development of schizoaffective Disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in which client was diagnosed 15 years old. This diagnosis has led to foster care taking her daughter into custody. Client reports that she has flashbacks when she is in the dark. Client has a history of self-harm, problems socializing, low self-confidence, and difficultly sleeping. The most recent episode of suicidal ideations led to a hospitalization at Yale Psychiatric Institution from…show more content…
Based on the chart review, client was previously stabilized on Clozaril 100 mg BID during her last hospitalization. Clozaril was decreased to 100 mg daily approximately two weeks prior to the hospitalization (unclear reason). Since then she’s been reportedly decompensating which is evidenced by decline in overall psychosocial functions and escalating depressive symptoms. Client reports being under increased stress due to concerns about the loss of her daughter to DCF. Client also reports having increased depressive symptoms, AH and SI for approximately two
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