Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror

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Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror Habeas Corpus is one of the writs that are issued in order to bring any individual, groups or party before a judge. It is the right of every citizen to obtain this writ, as when something goes wrong or someone faces any wrong or bad situation and they require help and support from the law and order of the country. The people believe that they should be given a fair chance to speak and make their point clear so as to justify themselves and their acts. For this purpose it is necessary to bring the individual or party before the judge or before the court. In this case, the judges decide whether the detention of the brought person is lawful or not lawful (Farell, 2010). The judges decide after hearing the case by listening to justifications from both the parties involved in the case. After hearing the case, the judges decide that whether the imprisonment of the inmate is lawful or not and whether he should be kept in custody for long or should be released. It is necessary to file a petition for Habeas Corpus, and this petition is filed either by the person who is being punished or by his relatives, family and friends who believe that the person is being punished wrongly for something that he has not done (Chemerinsky, 1987). Habeas Corpus is considered as an instrument or tool which helps on protecting and safeguarding individual freedom. It focuses on protecting the people and providing them with justice by presenting them before the judges Habeas Corpus is generally a Latin term, which means “you should have the body” (The Rutherford Institute, 2013). The history of this concept is ancient, and this concept has evolved with the passage of time. Today, Habeas Corpus has become a part of Common and Civil Law of many countries. With the passage of time, Habeas Corpus has evolved bringing changes in the rights of

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