Chris Mccandless Epigraph Analysis

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I believe that the epigraphs are there to give as a little bit of insight, on the chapter that follows after it. All the epigraphs are relevant to whats going on in the book. If you actually take time to read the epighraphs, you might find them slightly helpful or maybe not at all. To some it would be considered helpful because it kind of gives you a better view on Chris McCandless (the main character). McCandless thought that society was corrupted and evil institution. He wanted to go as far away from it as possible. He did not want to be linked to the type of society that we have point blank. His attitude towards life i was very hard to get yet simple depending on how you looked at it or explained it. He abhored society but couldn’t help, but be a part of it. Do I believe that society is corrupt? Yes, I do . I do not believe in going on such lengths to separate myself from it, I believe in bettering it. With the people at Emory he was distant and rude. He didn’t like how they behaved and did things. I think the reason that he treated them so badly was because they stood for the society that he hated, he couldn’t forgive them for that. He treated the people that he met on the road differently because they were outcasts like him. They believed the same things he did and had the…show more content…
Difference is one survived to tell the tale the other one didn’t. Krakauer believes that the death of Chris McCandless was all an accident that Chris did believe that he would come out alive of this journey. Kraukauer’s tone in the novel is very professional towards McCandless. He respects Chris as well for accomplishing what he was set out there to do. Kraukauer defends McCandless in a sense because he doesn’t find what McCandless did stupid, he was un-prepaired but not

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