Chattel Slavery and Indentured Servants

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Chattel Slavery and Indentured Servants Indentured servitude differed from chattel slavery because indentured servants are people who were willing to work to get transportation, land, clothes, food, or shelter instead of money. In chattel slavery, people are considered property instead of workers or servants. They can only be free when they purchased themselves or when their masters allowed them to be. Indentured servants get to be released when they have worked their part of the deal. Slaves don't get much in return for their work. Something that they do get is shelter, but most of the time, the shelter is small and is shared with other slaves. Most indentured servants died before meeting the end of their working terms. In order to become an indentured servant, the person or their relatives would create a contract with someone who was willing to fulfill the indentured servants' wants. Indentured servants usually have a contract to work for 5-7 years to work off their debt. Once they had worked it off, most indentured servants Slaves are enslaved against their will and usually don't get anything in return for their service. Slaves are sold by African kings and can be gathered from people who were captured from war or were imprisoned. Unlike indentured servants, slaves had fewer/no rights. Indentured servants had more rights than slaves and were still free by law. Slaves, however, weren't free and were instead owned by people. Chattel slavery in Mauritania and Sudan is quite gruesome. These two countries divide the African and Arab cultures. A person can become the property of another for life, bought, traded, inherited or acquired as a gift. Girls as young as ten were being captured on raids of villages. To prevent escape they are branded like cattle with hot metal objects. Female genital mutilation and castration are frequently imposed punishments. Attempted
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