18th Century Slaves

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DJ How did African-American culture evolve in the slave community and what form did resistance to captivity take? In the eighteenth century one out of every five Americans had African descent. Because there was 90% of Black Americans in the South on the tobacco and rice plantations that they had built an African-American society and culture. They were able to build families with such a population. With such a high percentage of native Africans they were able to keep their ways of their homeland. Slaves tried different ways to escape, very few succeeded. New groups of Africans who typically were from the same region of Africa would escape inland and form Maroon communities, other slaves who had been slaves for longer period of time would fake illness, feigned stupidity and laziness, broke tools, pilfered from storehouses, hid on the woods for weeks or took off to visit other plantations. Some would flee on their own and become skilled laborers such as craft workers, dock laborers, or sailors along the Seaports. During the end of the eighteenth century African American slaves living on large plantations began creating families and communities within the plantations. In the lower south of the slave states, which were densely populated slave communities, a task system was developed that benefited slaves. This system allowed an African American slave to be assigned a task to complete, once the task was completed on many occasions the slave master treated that worker as if the job was done for the day and didn’t call on him or her to complete another task. In the northern region of the slave states the slave population was much less dense than farther south. Slaves in these northern slave communities were in contact with white Americans far more often than slaves in the lower south, which left the slaves exposed to greater scrutiny to slave
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