Characteristics of Nwc and Asc

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Characteristics of NWC and ASC Conscious experience is divided into two distinct categories: * Normal Waking Consciousness (NWC) refers to the range of states of consciousness we experience when we are awake and aware of our internal thoughts and feelings and of the sensations we are experiencing from our external world. NWC is organised and clear, we remain aware of our personal identity (who we are), we perceive the world as real and it has a familiar sense of time and place. * Altered State of Consciousness (ASC) are distinctly different in experience from NWC in terms of level of awareness and experience, and the quality or intensity of sensations, perceptions, thoughts, feelings and memories that are experienced. ASC can occur naturally (e.g. daydreaming, sleeping) or can be intentionally induced (e.g. alcohol-induced state, meditative state). Each individual has their own unique psychological changes that occur as a result of an ASC, however, there are a number common characteristics. The following characteristics help determine whether you are experiencing NWC or ASC: * Levels of Awareness * Content Limitations * Controlled and Automatic Processes * Perceptual and Cognitive Distortions * Emotional Awareness * Self-Control * Time Orientation Levels of Awareness Awareness relates to how conscious or aware you are of internal thoughts and feelings and the external environment around you. A number of levels of awareness exist during normal waking consciousness. The levels of awareness in NWC can vary on a continuum from between being awake and aware of internal thoughts and external stimuli to being in a high level of awareness such as focused attention for complex tasks. In an ASC the levels of awareness can vary from being more heightened or aware internal thoughts such as increased awareness in

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