Character Installation In J. B. Priestley's An Inspector Calls

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An Inspector Calls - Character Installation | | |Learning Objectives: To develop the knowledge and understanding of the characters in the play and to develop the ability to | |support ideas with textual evidence. | |Task: | |1. Present a visual representation of your character by selecting words, phrases and images to reflect your character’s: | |…show more content…
How do they view themselves? | | | |As you are creating your visual representation, listen to the 4 pieces of music being played. Select the piece of music that you | |think best reflects your character. | | | |At the front of the room you will find part of the Birling’s library. Based on the titles of books, decide which books your character| |will have read. | You have 15 minutes to complete the above task. Now you have 10 minutes to evidence all your ideas with key quotations from the play. The Presentation: Your group has 3 minutes to present all your ideas and choices to the class. Decide who is going to say…show more content…
Conclusion You should write a paragraph which relates back to the question about the effect of the dramatic devices in Act One on an audience. Some ideas you could comment on are: • how the playwright changes your opinion of the Birlings during Act One; • the methods Priestley uses to interest and involve the audience; • what you think the playwright’s message and why it is still relevant today. GCSE Coursework Unit: Twentieth Century Drama An Inspector Calls. J.B. Priestley. | ‘ I was a story teller … social commentator … humanist philosopher, at least in my own estimation.’ J.B. Priestley. | | | |Task: Explore this statement in relation to ‘An Inspector Calls’.

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