Chapter 10 Chemistry Comes Alive Answers

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.~ .~ 10 CHAPTER 2 Chemistry Comes Alive CHAPTER PREVIEW This chapter presents the basics of chemistry and biochemistry (the chemistry of living material), providing the background necessary to understand body functions. Basic chemistry, including atoms, molecules, and chemical bonds, along with a description of the most important inorganic and organic molecules, will be provided. SUGGESTED LECTURE OUTLINE Part 1: Basic Chemistry I. Definition of Concepts: Matter and Energy (pp. 27-29) A. Matter (p. 27) 1. States of Matter B. Energy (p. 27) 1. Kinetic vs. Potential Energy 2. Forms of Energy a. Chemical Energy b. Electrical Energy c. Mechanical Energy d Radiant Energy II. Composition of…show more content…
Obtain an electrolyte testing system (light bulb setup connected to electrodes) and prepare a series of solutions such as salt, acid, base, glucose, etc. Place the electrodes into the solutions to illustrate the concept of electrolytes. 4. Prepare two true solutions (1 % sodium chloride; 1 % glucose) and two colloidal solutions (1 % boiled starch, sol state; Jell-O, gel state). Turn off the room lights and pass a beam of light through each to demonstrate the Tyndall effect of colloids. 5. Obtain two strings of dissimilar "pop-it" beads. Put the beads together to demonstrate a synthe-sis reaction, and take them apart to demonstrate a decomposition reaction. Take a bead from each different chain and put them together to illustrate an exchange reaction. 6. Use a slinky to demonstrate denaturation of an enzyme. Tie colored yarn on the slinky at two sites that are widely separated, and then coil and twist the slinky upon itself to bring the two pieces of yarn next to each other. Identify the site where the yarn pieces are as the active site. Then remind students that when the hydrogen bonds holding the enzyme (or structural protein) in its specific 3-D structure are broken, the active site (or structural framework) is destroyed. Uncoil the slinky to illustrate this point. I CRITICAL THINKING/DISCUSSION…show more content…
ANSWERS TO ENO":OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONS Multiple Choice and Matching Question answers appear in Appendix F of the text. Short Answer Essay Questions 23. Energy is defined as the capacity to do work, or to put matter into motion. Energy has no mass, takes up no space, and can be measured only by its effects on matter. Potential energy is the energy an object has because of its position in relatibn to other objects. Kinetic energy is energy associated with a moving object. (p. 27). 24. According to the First Law of Thermodynamics, energy cannot be created or destroyed. There-fore, energy is not really lost, but may be released in another form such as heat or light. In this form, the energy may be partly unusable. (p. 28) 25. a. Ca, b. C, c. H, d. Fe, e. N, f. 0, g. K, h. Na (p. 29) 26. a. All three are carbon with six protons. (p. 30) b. All possess different numbers of neutrons and therefore have different atomic masses. (p. 31) c. Isotopes.(p.31) .. d. See Fig 2Ab, which provides a drawing of both a planetary 'model and an orbital

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