Changes in the Education System Since 1988 Have Helped Pupils. Evaluate the Arguments for and Against This Claim.

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In this essay I am going to explain why changes in the education system have and have not helped pupils. There are many reasons for and against this claim and I will outline them throughout this essay. A reason that changes in the education system have helped pupils is the national curriculum which was introduced in 1988 (1988 education act). The national curriculum standardised learning as everyone is taught the same thing as well as helping gender equality as males and females have access to all the same subjects. It also can make it easier than in the past for a student who switches schools, because now schools broadly have to follow a similar curriculum. The national curriculum was introduced to enable assessment, which also helped to compile league tables. League tables (1988 education act) are another change that has helped the education system. League tables are used to compare the academic achievements of different institutions and parents can use them to decide which school they want their child(ren) to go to. Using league tables is a good thing as if you want your child to go to a good school, you can chose the one most suitable with good education and exam results. Schools are paid by how many children they can attract so school results and Ofsted inspection publications is hoped to make schools compete and get good results or they wont attract pupils and the funding. Different types of schools for example faith schools and academy schools are a change that also helped pupils in education. Faith schools were introduced in the 1990s by demands of Muslims who wanted their own faith schools. Different types of schools help as parents have more choice and freedom of where they want their child to go. Single sex schools also help as it is thought that females do well when there are no males to distract them. They also get better exam results. Academy
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