Certain Kinds of Ads Should Be Banned in the Interest of Health and Morality.

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Certain kinds of ads should be banned in the interest of health and morality. We live in a market-driven economy where we consume more than what we produce; advertising flows constantly-from television to billboards to print ads to blinking Internet messages to elevator rides. These creative advertisements attract the consumer to buy the products. Each year, American advertisers spend as high as approximately $150 trillion for advertisement of their relative products. As consumers, we have very inquisitive relationship with advertisers. When we buy the product the cost of advertising is also included in the price of that product. Thus, we pay for the cost of advertising and supply the profits. We also pay for the total tax write-off that businesses receive foe advertising expenses (Fox 62). The influence of media on adolescents’ health practices and behaviors, including personal values, beliefs, and perceived norms cannot be overstated. Media messages are carefully designed to convince the consumer to believe or do something. Some of the most persuasive media message can be found in print advertisement selling alcohol and tobacco products. These messages are carefully designed so that the real truth about those harmful products is hardly visible, and subject to ignore the fact which understandably never tells youth the whole truth regarding the use of these products (Hall 359). Some of the negative effects of advertising are hidden costs, lying to customers, false trend setting and claims by advertisers. There are also many harmful effects that advertising and the media can have on an individual’s health and morality. First of all, as shown on the advertisement we tend to buy these unsafe products which cause problems for our physical health. Although, we learn about a healthy practice or vitamin, but may also be prone to engaging in unhealthy activities,
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