Cbp Research Paper

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United States Customs and Border Protection Agency since 9/11 Terrorism, Antiterrorism and Homeland Security Patrick S. McClung University of Maryland University College 1 August 2013 Abstract This research report describes the significant modifications that the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency has implemented since the horrific events on September 11, 2001. These modifications will be explained through researching CBP’s mission, scope, mandates, and structure, as well as understanding the complexities involving the coordination and collaboration with agencies internal to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as well as external. Additional research topics include the initial issues CBP experienced while moving and…show more content…
This office is also responsible for reviewing projected actions to ensure compliance with legal requirements, preparing formal legal opinions, preparing or reviewing responses in all court actions, civil or criminal, involving CBP, and developing, implementing, and evaluating nationwide programs, policies, and procedures within its functional areas. The Office of Diversity and Civil Rights (DCR) is responsible for ensuring compliance with the federal civil rights statutes, regulations and executive orders governing federal employment and federally funded and assisted programs. State, Local and Tribal Liaison Office advises the commissioner, deputy commissioner and program offices on the impact of CBP policies and initiatives with concern to state, local and tribal stakeholders. Office of Policy and Planning is responsible for assisting CBP leadership in defining and evolving United States Customs and Border Protection mission priorities through the effective advance, review and application of key policy and planning initiatives. (Protection U. C., Commissioners Staff Offices, 2013). These offices and their employees manage the over aching direction CBP is headed and answer directly to the…show more content…
Although, prior to the 9/11 tragedy and the subsequent creation of DHS there was basic and necessary cooperation amongst agencies that had the primary responsibility to conduct border operations. For example, the Highgate Springs POE in Vermont only had customs inspectors that were trained to perform additional immigration and agricultural inspector duties. This coordinated approach worked for this specific POE at the time (Bright, 2013). However, after the events on September 11th 2001 occurred, Congress created DHS in 2003. This provided the nation one department responsible for our nation’s borders. The blending of these separate and disparate agencies was an effort to create a more efficient and collaborative means of protecting America at our

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