Causes and effects: Stress

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Causes and effects: Stress We all experience stress… we can’t avoid it. Because of this daily contact with stress, we all have an unclear idea of what it is and what it can do to our physical and mental health. But if you were asked to list some causes and effects of stress what would they be? A real threat will lead a person to feel stressed. This can include physical threats, social threats, and a financial threat. One’s finances probably have the most cause of stress. Some who name finances as the leading cause of stress mention major purchases they have to make, such as a home or car. Others are stressed by a loss of income, and college students may be stressed about paying for schooling. Another stressor would be work and education. How is the workplace a cause of stress? People worry about getting and keeping sufficient employment. Students, especially teenagers and college age students, cite school work as a cause of stress. Family, how wonderful each member may be, is also a leading cause of stress. A sick family member, a serious injury, pregnancy, miscarriage, or divorce is all effects of nervous tension, or stress. Family changes of other kinds bring anxiety, too. Adoption, relocation, and job changes for just one family member can cause anxiety for all. What causes you to be stressed? Stress is bad for a healthy lifestyle. The long term and short term effects of stress on the body obvious itself irrespective of the age groups. When the trigger is repetitive, lengthened or surprising, then it becomes pathological. The effects of stress affect not only man, but also animals. The affects of stress can cause all of the following: Anxiety, aggression, apathy, boredom, depression, fatigue, frustration, guilt and shame, irritability and bad temper, moodiness, low self-esteem, threat and tension, nervousness, and loneliness. Consequently, all of these
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