Catherine De Medici Speech

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Catherine de Medici for President Let me begin by saying thank you all for being here today. It means so much to me as a woman, to have your respect and attention this very day. I also want to thank my family, especially my three sons, Francis II, Charles IX, and Henry III who have enabled me as a woman to gain a foothold in the world of politics. Serving as each son’s regent during their kingship I was able to have a very influential impact on their political actions. From them I have been able to gain the necessary experience needed to fulfill the expectations that this country so desires in it’s future leader. All of you, in different ways, have brought me here today, to step beyond a life and a job I love, to make a commitment to a larger cause: creating religious peace... renewing interest in the arts...creating a social equality for men and women. I refuse to be part of a generation that creates tension and disaster from people’s differences such as gender and religion I refuse to be part of a generation that loses its touch with the value of art and education That is why I stand here today...because I refuse to stand by and let our country continue on in its downward spiral. I refuse to let our country further harbor tensions between groups or let the education and values of our young to worsen. During my influential role as the regent to my sons I have learned a thing or two about the threats that opposing groups place on the peace of a nation. During my time as regent I was heavily involved in the religious civil war between the Huguenots and Roman Catholics. I first hand experienced the danger that a religious conflict could spark as I witnessed the St. Bartholomew Massacre, one that claimed thousands of Huguenot’s lives. I have learned from my experience and from thus vow to promote peace between those of our nation and to
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