Case Analysis of the Home Depot’s Extraordinary Items

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Individual Assignment BUCP-781-Integration&App: Business Simulation& planning Songbo Qiao 900143 Case analysis of the Home Depot’s extraordinary items By reading the consolidated statement of earnings and balance sheet of Home Depot, I found several unusual data which can be extraordinary items. 1. The most obvious extraordinary item between fiscal 2007 and fiscal 2008 is the $3012 million increase of construction in progress. This represents a 2.68 percent increase over fiscal 2007 which mean Home depot may build more properties or buy more equipment to open new stores in abroad. The Home Depot Company wants to expand their business in a global arrange. Actually, this situation is not able to happening every year; therefore, I considered it as a extraordinary item. 2. As we know from the fiscal 2007, the value of treasury stock was negative $16,383 million, but when it comes in the fiscal the value of treasury stock was negative $314 million, which means The Home Depot Company may sell their treasury stock for some money, the factor is that the sales of Home Depot Company decreased $13,488 million, therefore, they need money to run the company, so they sell some of the treasury stock for some money. This is the second extraordinary item. 3. The another extraordinary item can be the current installment of LT debit in 2007, the current installment of LT debit in 2007 was only $ 18 million. Especially compare to fiscal 2009 which decreased $1749 million. This situation happened because of the increasing sales of fiscal 2007 ($90,837) that they were able to pay back $1749 million debts. As we know this cannot happen annually, therefore, this is another extraordinary item. 4. In the fiscal year 2006, the goodwill of the Home Depot Company was $3286 million, but in 2007 it was $6314 million, which increased almost 50%.

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