Case 2b Uk Brewing

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Course: Scientific Method – Small scale social science research FÖ1035 Case 2b: Strategic Issues in the UK brewing industry 1. Two possible research questions could be: * Does the merges of brewing firms’ affect the sales in the UK brewing industry? * How does the new business model imposed by MMC (Monopolies and merges commission) change the structure of the UK brewing market? 2.1. Write three correct references : The Economist. (2014). That sinking feeling (again). (Original work published 2014). Retrieved from EU Commission, (2014). What is the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)? Retrieved from Knoller, M. (2014). National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush. (Original work published 2012). Retrieved from 2. What criteria would you use to assess whether or not these research questions form the basis of a good research topic? Good research questions should have following criteria: * Meets the examining body requirements. * Research topic must be something research is capable of under taking and one that excites hi imagination. * Research should have enough time and money resources to undertake the topic. * Research should ensure that he will be able to get access to the data you require. * Issues in topic must be capable of being linked to theory. * Also, the research question should neither be very easy nor too difficult to answer. 3. How do you think Steve should address the requirement for collecting at least some primary data? As Steve is new in the field of research,

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